Every year after the field trip, we will be asked to make a scrapbook to document the student’s as well as their chaperone’s experience of the trip. This time, instead of making one scrapbook per student, we will be making one scrapbook for the class and the homeroom officers will be responsible in making it.
So I texted all my co-parents today to ask them to submit pictures that they want to share for the class scrapbook. I ordered cheap envelopes to give to our adviser so she can sort the pictures that will be submitted.
All who replied to my text was really happy with this setup as we know how time consuming it is to make a scrapbook. So I was really surprised when I got a text from one mommy complaining that she already bought the materials because she thought that each student would have to submit a scrapbook. She told me that we should have notified her in advance so she does not have to buy the materials and she is saying that those that she bought would just go to waste.
Well for one, our class adviser have notified us way, way in advance that we will just have one scrapbook per class. It is not my problem anymore if she is not reading her daughter’s notebook or if she can’t understand plain English. Second, the materials that she bought would not be put to waste if she would just donate it to us who will do the scrapbook for the class or she can even use it to make a scrapbook that she can keep. Third, nobody is stopping her from making and submitting her own scrapbook.
I guess it is how she put the text message that really irritates me. For me, as a parent, I should be careful with what I say or do. These are the parents of my daughter’s classmates that I am talking to and I think it is just right to be polite to them or just show them that I am an educated parent.
But I have to let bygones be bygones. I can’t control how other people think and act. It is them who will look bad and not me. So moving on.