I was so happy when I arrived home last Thursday as my daughter greeted me with her Mother’s Day gift for me. They did their art work that day where their teachers asked them to make their hand print. Their teachers cut each of this hand print and pasted it together with our family picture and a poem about Mother’s Day.

The poem goes:
I miss you when we’re not together
I’m growing up so fast
See how big I’ve gotten
Since you saw me last?
The years will fly right by.
You’ll wonder how I grew so quick
When and where and why?
So look upon this handprint
That’s hanging on your wall
And memories will come back to me,
When I was very small.
Happy mother’s day!
As soon as she sees me, she run to get her art work and hand it to me. She even put her hand on her hand print to show me that it is her hand print. I was so touched. My Mother’s Day is so complete. I am one proud mom and I’m happy and I could not ask for anything for more.
On a side note, I am happy that my daughter is really having a great time at Toddler’s Unlimited. Every time we tell her that she will go to school, she always looks so excited and will say “Go to school, go to school.” According to my mom (who always accompanies Bela to school) she is very much comfortable with her classmates and teachers and she is always happy when she is at school. And on their way there and home, she will sing different songs that they sing at school which really proves that she is excited to attend class. I will enroll her next week for the coming school year. I’m glad that we really made a right choice in enrolling her at Toddlers Unlimited.
And here are some more of their art work.

.: Her artwork when we had her trial class :.