I checked Bela’s School calendar and I was reminded that they will have a Halloween program this coming October. Of course, the stage mother in me kicked in immediately and I asked Jane (since Sophia used to study at Toddlers Unlimited) to confirm if they will be wearing costumes since we haven’t been notified yet by Bela’s teachers for the details of the program.
I want to prepare ahead of time since I have to have her costume custom made since my daughter is quite small and it is difficult to find the right size for her from the ready made costumes available. I have inquired with Mrs. Prim and these are my choices for Bela’s costume:

.: Inspired by Jane's Shopia :.

I was already planning to go to Mrs. Prim so she can take Bela’s measurements but good thing I was at Toddlers Unlimited last Friday and was able to ask Bela’s teachers for some details. It turns out, they will be having a theme per class this year. The Jumping Joeys class’s theme might be Jungle / Safari and I don’t think my choices fit the theme. LOL.
They said that they will sent out details next week so hopefully we can visit Mrs. Prim next Saturday as according to her, she should be starting with the costume by next week if I need it by third week of October.