Wednesday, April 20, 2011

McDo Kiddie Crew: Day 1

For this summer, Bela is not that busy as compared to last year. I just let her continue with her Kumon English program as Kumon requires continuity and they discourage taking breaks. I also enrolled her again to Aqualogic’s swimming class which she has been doing for a year already. Her only new activity for this summer was Mc Donald’s Kiddie Crew Workshop.

I have long wanted to enrol her to this program as I find it cute for kids to be serving as McDo crew but she is always too young for the minimum age limit. The actual age limit that they accept is 6 years old but I tried inquiring anyways at McDo Harrison Plaza and they are just so happy to accept Bela in their program. She was part of the First Batch, together with Owie, her classmate from St Scholastica.

Last April 4 was the first day of the workshop. It was actually their orientation and the kids were given a tour of the kitchen and the restaurant and were given instructions on how to be a good kiddie crew.

Howell took an under time from work as he needs to attend to some errands and he dropped by McDo first so he can take pictures. Here are some of the pictures of Bela on her first day as a kiddie crew:
