I was tagged by Mich. Thanks for this sis. I really enjoyed doing this tag.
A lot of our friends are saying that Bela really looks like her dad by hubby kept on saying that Bela looks exactly like me when I was her age. So what do you guys think?
{Begin Copy}
Litzie wants to see the comparison, just for fun.
The Rule:Copy and Paste this part of the tag. Post a photo of you, your husband and your child’s photos in the same ages. Then tag 5 people. Link up the BLOG post you had your entry on.
Train:1. Litzie 2. Jacq 3. Dzoi 4. Aggie 5. Diane 6. Mich 7. Abie
{End Copy}
Now, would you like to join us, Peachy, Ems, Vannie, Jane, Jacqui and Farah?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Who do I Look Like? Tag
Posted by abie at 12:27 AM 4 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I'll Think About it Dad
Because of this, I’m really still thinking about my hubby’s suggestion of buying her a pet dog or cat for her upcoming birthday. I’m still having my second thoughts because I think Bela is not yet capable of handling the responsibilities of having a pet. But hubby insisted that Bela will surely be happy about it and she will definitely love it.
In fact, hubby’s starting to canvass for a pet dog or cat for Bela because he’s really eager to give her a pet. He even looked for a very nice dog house and litter box and when he showed it to Bela, she got really excited.
But then, the decision is still mine and as I have said, I’m still thinking about it for a hundred times I still want an assurance if Bela can take care of her pet well.
Posted by abie at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Bela's Addictions,
Bela's World
Dealing with Her Problem
After we finished eating our dinner, we stayed at the restaurant for a while to have a little talk. We talked a lot about our own families as well as our current jobs. Meanwhile, one of my friends asked me about her acne problems because she’s starting to get frustrated and irritated about it. She asked me on how to get rid of acne because it becomes a disadvantage to her especially on her work.
I suggested that she must consult a dermatologist to have a proper treatment for her skin problem. She asked me if I do know a very good dermatologist because she really wants to get rid of her acnes as soon as possible. In fact, she’s willing to spend a lot of money just to cure her acnes.
She already started with her treatments and she’s really hoping that everything will turn out absolutely fine.
Posted by abie at 11:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Behind the Yellow Door
Here are some of Bela’s pictures that I snagged from the site:
Posted by abie at 11:41 PM 1 comments
Bela and her Grand Dad
But I am glad she got over her fear of brushing her teeth. Thanks to her Leap Pad book that has a picture of a toothbrush and if she touched the picture, it will make a gargling and a brushing sound. So every time it is teeth brushing time, we just have to show her, her leap pad book and let her touch the toothbrush so it will make a sound and she will brush her teeth afterwards.
She is due for another fluoride application which means we need to visit her dentist again but now I am thinking twice as she might get traumatized again specially now that she just overcome her fear.
Thank goodness at least I have one less think to be worried about as I have some issues with my dad. I am starting to get worried about him since he is cranky and not in the mood most of the time. Since he is used to working, maybe he is just getting bored now that he is retired. My brother and I don’t know hot to cheer him up. We are thinking of giving him wine of the month club membership, or giving him and my mom an out of town vacation. My brother also sent our van for repair and once it is up and running again, maybe my dad can use it to earn a little and to keep him busy.
Oh well, I just hope my dad will feel much better soon.
Posted by abie at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Bela's World,
Do you love me?
Me: “I love you Bela, good night.”
Bela: “You love me?”
Me: “Yes, I love you. Do you love mom?”
And she gave me a nod and a big smile then she closed her eyes and went to sleep and I was one happy mommy.
Posted by abie at 11:39 AM 0 comments
Bela's World
Monday, August 25, 2008
I love this site
One of the magazines that he brought home was a catalogue of Potterybarnkids.com. For mommies who are looking for ideas for the room of their kids, check out their site as they offer great designs and themes for kids’ room. This is what I love for Bela:

Posted by abie at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Bela's World,
Mom and Bela's Addictions
Friday, August 22, 2008
Bela and her Leap Pad

She was wearing the big t-shirt that her lola gave to her. It was the uniform of the Day care center here in our barangay and we just find her cute wearing it.
This is one of the activities that we do before bedtime. She will play with her leap Pad and we are really amaze because she can answer the questions quickly even if the questions are intended for kids aged 4-7 years old.
She just loves playing with this toy. It is pretty evident in the pictures.
Posted by abie at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Bela's World
kids fear / food factor
2.) Post an image of him or her enjoying 'the' strange food liking. If none, just a photo of him having a feast.
3.) Add your kids name in the linky love with the blog where you posted this meme.
4.) Get back to Living the Healthy Life Blog by leaving a comment so your kids' name be added to the master list.
5.) Tag as many of your friends with kids.

Bela is a very picky eater. It is very difficult to feed her as she only eats rice with no viand. Even if I finely chopped the viand, she will spit it out once she has a feel of it in her mouth. But my Bela just loves to eat pancit, pasta and noodles. Even if she is full, if she sees pancit, I won’t even have a hard time in trying to make her eat. She even loves the spicy one like the Penang Char from Banana Leaf and the Charlie Chan Pasta of Yellow Cab and the spicy pasta that we always order at CPK.
What's your kids fear food factor?
Posted by abie at 11:24 PM 1 comments
Throne of Comfort
My first daughter was not an overly demanding child. In fact she is quite reasonable and very smart, yet she has a penchant for trouble. She is very agile and loves to climbs on chairs and tables in our house which partly thrilled and scared me to death. That was why everytime we ate at our dining table she use to sat on my lap, albeit she could already occupy one of the seats but her agility caused me not to trust her because I’m sure she’ll suffer a fall. But make no joke about it feeding that way was difficult for both of us, and in order to eschew ourselves and lopped off the burden, this zealot idea of buying her a high chair to serve as her throne in the dining room came across my mind.
Looking for the ideal high chair, the Stokke Tripp Trapp was the most erudite solution the market had offered. Its comfortable ergonomic design that can relatively carries and easily supports up to 300 pounds is definitely framed for strength and leaves no doubt it can perfectly provide the brimming protection and safety for my child once she sits on it. It has fingertips adjustment for seat and footrest which provides stability to shift weight and allows my child to develop her good posture. It is built with a sturdy base to prevent skidding and accidental or unnecessary movement that fits exactly to my child’s character. Asides from its comfortability, safety and durability design, it has a unique feature that can raise my child to table height and be able to make everyone laughed at a glanced with her messy eating. Meanwhile, while I was also enjoying my meal and totally delighted with the site of my daughter enjoying her share of the meal while sitting on her throne, I could breathe with so much ease because certainly she got the best protection on her seat.
Posted by abie at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Bela's World
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Snack Time with Bela
I was tagged by Peachy.
I want all mommies to share their kid’s favorite snacks.When you are done with the tag link me up here so I can add your blog(s) to the master list.
1. I Am Mommy 2. All About The Memories 3. Enchanted Play 4. Just My Scrap 5. My Happy Place 6. Iam Dzoi 7. 8. Suburban Sass 9. To the Moon and Back 10. Raising Sandy 11. Mommy Talks 12. Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps 13. All Kinds of Me Stuff 14. The Salad Caper 15. Winding Creek Circle 16. InkBabyStudios 17 Belly, Baby and Beyond 18. Celebrating LIfe 19. My Life is Peachy 20. and so I am 21. Women Xplore 22. My Planet Purple 23. Our Journey to Life 24. My Sweet Bratinella 25. Your Blog
(Credits: Doodled snacks by Kate Hadfield).
Bela's Favorite Snacks
1. French Fries - I usually buy at SM Supermarket and cook it at home
2. Bear Graham Cookie (I forgot the brand)
3. Marie, Fita, Drewberry or any other brand of cookies
4. Cerealiscious
5. Chuckie, Yakult, Dutch Mill, Healthy Options Juice (Mixed fruit, Orange, Prune Juice, etc)
6. Spaghetti and Pancit
{End Copy Here}
Posted by abie at 12:00 AM 2 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Leo & Rocket

My husband was all smiles upon seeing how much her daughter loves her new toy. You can view more pictures and some stories here.
Posted by abie at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Bela's World,
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Our first PTC @ TU
We were asked to go inside the yellow room assigned to the Jumping Joeys class (Bela’s class). These are what Teacher Lei and Teacher Maica told us about Bela:
* Bela adjusted well to the program. Even during the first days of the school year, she did not have a hard time adjusting. There are just times that she has to warm up for a bit because she doesn’t want to let go of her lola. But once her teachers give her something that she really likes, like her animal toys, she will immediately forget about her lola.
* Bela likes to explore all areas of the room but she usually stays in the Blocks area.
* Bela also loves reading books (They mentioned the titles of the books but I forgot to take note of it. All I know is that they are books about animals)
* Bela loves playing with her classmates. She knows how to share her toys also and she knows how to wait for her turn. But there are just times when she is fixed on a particular toy, she will not allow you to touch it. Like when all the animals are facing to the right, you can’t turn one animal to the left because she will ask you to fix it. Or when we try to hide one animal, she will know which animal is missing.
I was also able to ask Bela’s teachers about some concerns that we have. I asked them about Bela’s talking skills. (If you will remember, I made a post here when I got bothered since Bela’s lola’s are suggesting that we should consult a speech pathologist.) She can construct sentences now and she can very well express what she wants, but there are still times when she still babbles and we really can’t understand her especially if she is so excited. But according to her teachers, her vocabulary is wider compared to other kids and she can really very well express what she wants so there is nothing to be bothered about.
I also asked them if it is just normal since Bela is really so active. According to Teacher Maica, Bela is really fast and active but it is really not something that we should be bothered about. She is just a happy and playful kid.
I was one happy and proud mom. I’m really glad that my daughter is really having a lot of fun at school and I can see that she really loves her teachers and her classmates.
Posted by abie at 7:25 PM 4 comments
Bela's World,
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Gift of Love
And yes indeed my instinct didn’t failed me at all. As I sauntered and treaded my steps along the path ways I was strongly gravitated by the sights in one of the mall shops which were selling different types of watches wherein pocket watch as I went inside was among the item collections ostentatiously displayed which had truly rapt my eyes for its fine filigree designs. That was stylish enough to prance around town for the individual sense of flair and style where both form and functions come hand in hand well which are pretty cool and totally classic. The esthetic quality of the product was manifested and boasted by its time precision accuracy that was intelligently and brilliantly engineered to meet the satisfaction of every customer. As I couldn’t have agreed more and there was no doubt it was the best choice and to slide from being grand and being somewhat grandiose, I bought the 14 carat gold plated one to add a little frill on it.
When I handed my gift on the day of my husband’s birthday, when he opened the box, there was a complete relish on his face and he rewarded me with warm hugs and kisses and felicitous remark, I love you.
Posted by abie at 12:54 AM 0 comments
Daddy's Stuff
Friday, August 08, 2008
Anecdotal Report, Art Work and new Toy
Anecdotal Report
Child’s Name: Bela
Teacher/s: Maica and lei
Date: Aug 8, 2008
Class: Jumping Joeys
We thought you might like to know:
Bela looked like she had lots of fun during Max’s birthday party. She didn’t hesitate to help Max blow her candles on her cake, and she asked for cake and spaghetti. It’s nice to see her enjoying the company of her classmates.
And since it is Friday today, I was at Toddlers Unlimited again this afternoon after work. I was able to take a picture of Bela’s art work again posted at the TU wall.
And I was really happy because Bela just so loves her new toy. We just gave it to her today since our boxes for the cartridges just arrived today. She got all excited after we told her that she has a new toy and she kept on saying “Yes, yes, yes” after she saw it.
She loves the Dora and the Backyardigans game. She hasn’t tried Finding Nemo and Ratatouille yet. We might be going to the hospital tomorrow for hubby and my grandmother’s eye check up so at least now she has something to keep her busy.
Posted by abie at 9:51 PM 2 comments
Anecdotal Report,
Bela's World,
Pretty Face
Posted by abie at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Body beautiful
Posted by abie at 9:34 PM 0 comments
2/5 Boxes: Here
We did not show it to her last week when it arrived as she will definitely wants to play with it and we might be force to buy a cartridge here which is really expensive.
I’m excited. Howell will bring it home later. I think it also contains Howell’s DVDs that he ordered from Amazon also.
Posted by abie at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Bela's World,
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Anecdotal Report & Bela's Teachers
Anecdotal Report
Child’s Name: Bela
Teacher/s: Maica and lei
Date: Aug 4, 2008
Class: Jumping Joeys
We thought you might like to know:
Bela loves to play in the Romp with her teachers and friends. She would run excitedly and climb the slide so fast. Sometimes she would climb on to her teachers and pretend to be a monkey. Cute!
I salute Bela’s teachers for doing a great job with my daughter. There are times that Bela doesn’t want to let go of her lola every time her lola takes her inside her room but teacher Maica would always know how to encourage Bela to let go of her lola and play. She would offer Bela her favorite animals toys and she knows my daughter so well that she would even tease her and ask her if she wants to play with the monkey too as bela doesn’t want to play with the monkey.
Teacher Maica: “Come here Bela, let’s play with your animals. And do you like me to put the monkey together with your other animals? No, no. Bela doesn’t like the monkey. I will hide the monkey.”
And Bela would excitedly approach Teacher Maica to play with her animals and wouldn’t even notice that her lola left her already.
Teacher Lei is also very sweet and Bela loves to be carried by her. Even after their class is already finish, she would still play with Bela and asked Bela if she wants to be carried by Teacher Lei.
Bela’s teachers are really good with what they do and they are really dedicated and they must love their job so much. My hats off to them.
Posted by abie at 8:26 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Conversations with Bela
Aliah: Bela, look a slide, a slide (referring to the bridge). Raise your hands…Weeehhh
Bela: It’s not a slide. It’s called a bridge.
We were calling her because she needs to have her sponge bath and change her nappy.
Mom: Bela, you need to wash.
Bela: No mom. It’s ok.
She was playing with her animal toys inside the car and she dropped one.
Bela: Where’s the other one Wowa?
On our way home from her school, her lolo was listening to the AM station
Bela: Wowo, music please. Move it, move it (Referring to the music from Madagascar’s OST “I like to move tit, move it”)
Bela noticed that her school ID is missing
Bela: Wowa, wowa my ID is missing.
If you asked her where your mom and dad is, she would answer:
Bela: In the office.
Sometimes we don’t know where she learned all this. I guess letting her watch educational shows and DVDs helped also and since I am one talkative person, I always try to make a conversation with her like a grown up so maybe she must have picked up some of our lines and use it herself. That is why we are so careful when taking in front of her because she easily picks up whatever she hears from us.
Posted by abie at 1:10 PM 2 comments
Bela's World,
Everyday Going Ons
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Her Art Work

Posted by abie at 12:48 AM 0 comments
Svelte look
The occasion was simply great and made it far even greater with my latest discovery of the diet pill my sisters have talked about. It is absolutely a treasure for me to keep and for a gleeful hope that I have a dependable partner to look on to address my needs when it comes.
Posted by abie at 12:41 AM 0 comments