Friday, August 08, 2008

Pretty Face

Looking back at some old photo albums which have a lot of nicely riveting pictures to go with it, I couldn’t help but laughed on myself while leafing on my pictures taken on my debut party. Almost every picture evidently showed that I tried very hard to fudge my poses and viscerally escaped the eyes of the camera to catch the burgeoned acne that had smudged my pretty face. It really had made me very disappointed, which grew even more when my mom failed to hide it with some make-ups that every click of the camera sent a restive feeling on my senses. This little filth that had marked my face had really given me such a big problem. So in order to avoid a repetition of such I focus on taking good care of my delicate skin and keep it healthy, clear and fresh looking always and more importantly with my face, free from any grime and filth.