Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wordless Wednesday # 6 - Pure Joy


Aaron said...

Ah, to have such energy again. And naps, I definitely miss a regular naptime.

shutter happy jenn said...

Oh kids, they're just so energetic! Very great jump pictures!

Here are my Wordless Wednesday entries:
Jenn Was Here and Embracing Myself. Please feel free to visit when you have the time. Happy Wednesday!

Mojo said...

The title says it all. I wonder what age it is when our "joy" isn't "pure" any more?
Great shots
- Mojo

Ryanne said...

what energy the little ones have! Too bad we can't bottle that stuff and sell it! I miss that kind of joy!

Aisling said...

BEAUTIFUL. that is all there is to say!

Shannon said...

She does embody joy!