Monday, December 01, 2008

Christmas Program at TU

Save the Date!
Christmas Program

17 December 2008 (Wednesday)
3:30 – 5:30 PM

Social Hall
San Antonio Church
Mc Kinley Road, Forbes Park, Makati City

I got this save the date information from Bela’s teachers. They will be having a Christmas program where the entire school from the youngest lamb classes to the oldest Pups are working together to present a Christmas Musical entitled “Christmas Around the World.” The Pups Class are going to stage the Nativity Story (with a twist) while the younger children (the class where Bela belongs) will perform the music to accompany the play.

I’m so excited. I remember during their Halloween program, we were the typical stage parents. We took a leave from work and we are armed with our video camera and Howell’s DSLR to capture every moment. I am sure it will still be the same this time. This reminds me, I have to contact Bela’s teachers if they need a costume or not so I can contact Mrs. Prim as soon as possible. LOL.