Wednesday, August 19, 2009

For Her Safety

My daughter is fond of drinking cold water or juices for the last months. I know too cold drinks might be bad for her that’s why I manage to control it and try to discipline her. Maybe it’s because of the hot weather that makes her want to have cold drinks.

There are even times wherein she will ask her yaya to put some ice on her drink if she’s still not satisfied with the coldness. Actually before, I instructed my yaya to not give her ice because I am not sure if the water that is used in making it is safe and well filtered. But then, my Bela is very persistent that sometimes she pleases me so much just to have ice in her drinks and I have no choice but to give her.

So what I did is ask my hubby to buy ukf8001axx for water filter so that we can have an assurance that the ice is clean and as well as the water.

Now, I am assured about my daughter’s safety but still, I’m trying to discipline her and control her hobby. LOL!