But I still believe that it really depends on the teacher's way on how she can encourage Bela because that is what I notice with my daughter. She has a mind of her own but if you know how to encourage her, she will definitely follow.
We also did some shopping for her last week for the school stuff that she needs. I was able to find the other stuff easily but it was a real challenge looking for an apron for Bela. Kelly gave me a tip to look for the SMOX apron from Crayola at toy stores but unluckily they are always out of stock. And it was still Kelly who rescued me since she was able to find a multiply site that sells one. (Thanks really for this girl). I deposited the payment and it was delivered at our doorstep the next day.
I still haven’t taken a picture yet of Bela wearing her school uniform since I did not take a leave on her first day of school since I think she is adjusted already because she attended summer class there. But I will be on holiday tomorrow (Canada Day), so I will bring Howell’s camera when I bring and fetch her to school tomorrow and I promise I will post the pictures soon.