I need to look for an insurance company that offers motorhome insurance for the RV of a friend as I heard these types of insurance are better than ordinary auto insurance but I am not having a good day today. So as my stress reliever, I am doing some window shopping again.
Bela is always requesting for chicken noodle soup for her snack at school. I think she saw one of her classmates eating it during their snack time at school and you know how kids are, they sometimes imitate what they see from their other friends. And chicken noodle soup is Bela’s one of her favorite snack too so I told her that I have to buy a sealed container first for her soup and something that will keep her soup hot for hours, and so I thought of buying this, Funtainer Food Jar:
I showed it to Bela and she is so excited about it also as it has a Littlest Petshop design. This food jar comes with a Free Super Saver shipping but I need $10 more before I can avail of this promo. I wonder what else I can order.
Bela is always requesting for chicken noodle soup for her snack at school. I think she saw one of her classmates eating it during their snack time at school and you know how kids are, they sometimes imitate what they see from their other friends. And chicken noodle soup is Bela’s one of her favorite snack too so I told her that I have to buy a sealed container first for her soup and something that will keep her soup hot for hours, and so I thought of buying this, Funtainer Food Jar:

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