Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sign up Now

I have read a lot of great feedbacks from my fellow blogging friends on how Blogvertise has helped them earned extra money from blogging. Since I’m online most of the time, I decided to give it a try.

And so I signed up with Blogvertise just today. It’s so easy to sign up. All I did was fill up the online form and submitted my blog for approval. Once my blog gets approved, I will receive an email from Blogvertise about the tasks that I have to do for them. Then I just have to write an entry in my blog based on the task requirements emailed to me. And once my post gets approved, I will get incentives from it.

It’s that easy. I’m getting excited already. I enjoyed blogging ever since but for sure I will enjoy it more, now that I can get extra incentives from it.