Thursday, April 22, 2010

Her Pink Vacation Bag

Bela: “Mom, can I have my own vacation bag so I can pack my own things if we are going on vacation?”
Mom: “Ok, we will buy one.”

I have long wanted to buy her a Trunki as I find this luggage so cute but Howell keep on saying no as hubby thinks that Bela still can’t pull the luggage on her own and Howell thinks that it is not safe for Bela if Bela wants to ride on it. But then Howell gave in when she saw how Bela loves the Trunki too when we checked it out at Baby Couture store in Megamall.

Bela: “I will pack my own things in my vacation bag then I will pull it by myself. But if is heavy, then I will ride it and daddy will pull my vacation bag.”

This is how she describes her Trunki. Bela was able to use it twice already and true to her word, she packed her things all by herself and she loves pulling it or riding on it. I am not sure though if we will be bringing this luggage if we go out of the country as Howell thinks that it is an additional bag for him to carry. LOL. But so far, Bela is enjoying her pink vacation bag.