Sunday, February 14, 2010


Since majority of Bela’s classmates at school are all Chinese and the owner of the school is also Chinese, the Chinese New Year celebration is a big event at their school. So last Friday, MSS celebrated Chinese New Year with a bang.

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All the kids were asked to wear cheongsam or any red-colored dress for the event. (That is why we went to Binondo last week to look for a cheongsam for Bela.) They had a puppet show, a dragon dance and fireworks too.

I think this is Bela’s first time to witness a dragon dance so I am not sure if she will get scared of it or not. My mom was telling us that Bela’s first reaction when she saw the dragons was that she covered her mouth so my mom thought that Bela got scared. But instead of fear, it was actually excitement that Bela felt as she run in front to be close to the dragon. She even peeked inside the dragon’s mouth and pose beside it for a picture.

Howell and I can’t take a leave from work so my mom was Bela’s photographer that day. When they fetched me from my office that day, Bela was full of stories on what happened that day which is a real sure sign that she really had fun celebrating Chinese New Year with her classmates and teachers.
You can view more pictures here.