Dear mom and dad,
It was a successful first week for us in the Green Cocoon class. The kids had an exciting time going from one station to the other for our Work Time. Some went to the Sand / Play Station, some to the Literacy Station, some to the Discover / Art Station, some to the Math station, some to the Manipulative Station and other to the Dramatic Play Station and the Reading / Listening Station. We also have a doodle page ready for those who wish to practice their artistic skills.
They too adjusted well to the routine and were at ease with their environment. They followed the routine well. Starting from Work Time, where they explore the different stations, Circle 1 where we greet each other, accomplish our attendance and weather charts, sing some songs and discuss lessons, Snack Time, a time to fill our hungry little tummies, Circle 2, a continuation of lesson discussion, Specials, where we enjoy various activities on different days. Monday, we have Music and Movement, Tuesday, we have Creativity / Cooking, Wednesday, we have Library Day, Thursday, we have AVR (Audio Visual Room) Day, and Friday, we have Outdoor Play. We too have Chinese time, where we learn to read, write and speak Chinese. All these activities were welcomed by the kids with much excitement.
We hope that the kids won’t loose their interest in these school activities as we have lots in store for them. We also hope that hand in hand we will make your child’s Cocoon experience one that they won’t forget.
Teacher Sarah, Eulene and Raizza
Green Cocoon Teachers
Next week’s lessons:
* Rooms in the school
* Things seen in the room
* People we see in school
* Letters Aa and Ee
* Circle and Square
* Left and Right
* Slanting Lines
On our Stations this week:
* Sand / Water Play Station – Transferring sand from one container to the other, transferring water from one container to the other, Tracing standing and sleeping lines on sand.
* Literacy Station – Differentiating MSS from other establishments, Making rules and decorating them, Trace or Write MSS

* Reading / Listening Station
* Discovery / Art Station – Coloring my school, Drawing MSS
* Math Station – Counting 10 school cutouts, Drawing 10 standing and sleeping lines
* Manipulative Station – Building MSS using blocks